how to
How to modify the initial Tomato firmware settings.

June 10 , 2009


This article lists some of the initial settings that can be applied to the Tomato firmware.

This howto assumes you have the following setup:

   router hardware: Linksys router, model # WRT54GL

   tomato firmware version: 1.25

After installing, or upgrading to the latest version of the tomato firmware, reset the old settings in NVRAM:

   Administration >> Configuration >> Restore Default Configuration >>
   Select: Erase all data in NVRAM

The new login settings will become:

   user name: root
   password: admin

Login, then continue with modifiying the initial settings:

Set the router name and hostname to whatever you wish:

  Basic >> Identification >>
                            Router Name:   Zeus
                      Hostname:        Jupiter

Then hit Save at the bottom of the page.

More basic setting changes:

    Basic >> Network >>

                      Type:     DHCP

                      disable: DHCP Server

                      disable: Wireless

... hit Save.

    Basic >> Time >>   set the time zone

... hit Save.

Then modify various settings in Admin Access:

    Administration >> Admin Access >>

      can change the following:

                     >> Color Scheme

      disable the following:

                     >> remote access
                     >> wireless access
                     >> ssh daemon
                     >> telnet daemon

       change the password:

                     >> Password

... hit Save.

To modify the color of the starup LED, we need to add a short command to the startup scripts:

    Administration >> scripts >> init

      add the following line:

              led white on

We can also add, among others, the following commands:

              led white off

              led amber on

              led amber off

              led aoss on

Finally, we can make sure we are set to use the router in its basic setting of "gateway":

    Advanced >> Routing >> Miscellaneous >>

              Mode:     Gateway



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