how to

A short list of linux installation hints
volume 1

Fedora xfce  

February 5, 2015


Listed here, for convenience, are a few linux installation hints. Most of these hints apply to Fedora 19, 20, and maybe 21 Xfce.

  purple seperator  

Upon first login to fedora 19 (xfce) we are presented with this query:

              "choose below which setup you want for the first startup:"
                            "use default config" or "one empty panel"

      choose: "use default config"

  purple seperator  


If the taskbar and panel suddenly disappear,
right-click on the desktop and open a terminal, then type:

            xfce4-panel &

Or, press Alt+F2 to bring up a run program window,
and enter: xfce4-panel and press run.


  purple seperator  


Removing the blank startup screen on Fedora 19 Xfce:

              you'll need to be root.

              save a copy of the file:   /etc/default/grub

              edit file: /etc/sysconfig/grub    >>   vi /etc/sysconfig/grub

              actual file is: /etc/default/grub

              remove, from near the end of the file: "rhgb"   "quiet"

the timeout can also be altered here:

              set the timeout value:     GRUB_TIMEOUT=30

              then issue:   grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

              to generate a new grub.cfg file.

              we should see: "Generating grub.cfg ..."


  purple seperator  


Some notes in getting samba to work:


                           yum install samba
                           yum install system-config-samba
                           yum install fuse-smb

                           yum install system-config-services
                           yum install system-config-network
                          yum install policycoreutils-gui  (SELinux gui controls)

                           yum install gvfs   (backends for the glo framework in GLib)
                           yum install gvfs-smb


              firewall-config   (then allow samba within the public, and permanent settings)

              SELinux Management   (allow samba access, only to the level you wish)

       if necessary run:

              systemctl start smb.service
              systemctl start nmb.service

              systemctl enable smb.service
              systemctl enable nmb.service

              systemctl status smb -l   (to check the status of the samba server)

              in the file manager type:   smb://


              smb      (these are the samba services that should be running)

  purple seperator  


To modify the login screen:

              edit file: /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf

              set the following values:



                  to get the image to show up: chmod  777  new_image.png

  purple seperator  


The App Menu logoff button no longer has
the "restart" option in fc21, to fix this add:

              Action Buttons

The to the bottom panel.  

  purple seperator  


Installing "non-free" broadcom wifi drivers:

      First activate rpmfusion:

       To do this start here:    http://rpmfusion.org/Configuration

       Click on:
             RPM Fusion free for Fedora 21
             RPM Fusion nonfree for Fedora 21 (this contains the wifi package)

       for fedora 19, the solution was found here.
       run these commands to activate rpmfusion, free and nonfree:

rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

       run:  yum  update  --nogpgcheck

       Finally run:  yum  install broadcom-wl  --nogpgcheck


  purple seperator  


Installing the compiler:

         yum install gcc-c++
         yum install binutils
         yum install make
         yum install patch
         yum install glibc-headers
         yum install glibc-devel
         yum install kernel-headers
         yum install kernel-devel
         yum install dkms
         yum groupinstall "X Software Development"
         yum install libstdc++
         yum install zlib

  purple seperator  


openGL and openCL:


         yum install lshw    (a hardware listing tool)

to get a list of display hardware: lshw -numeric -c display

installing opengl:

         yum install mesa-libGL
         yum install freeglut-devel

installing opencl:

           (the following installs OpenCL v 1.2 onto fc19)

           yum install opencl-headers
           yum install opencl-utils
           yum install opencl-utils-devel
           yum install ocl-icd-devel  (provides: libOpenCL.so.1 --64bit,   release: 2.fc19)
           yum install xorg-x11-drv-catalyst    (this requires rpm fusion "non free" to be installed)

         install AMD's opencl SDK from this file:   AMD-APP-SDK-v2.9-lnx64.tgz

         yum install clinfo   (a tool to query information on opencl... run "clinfo" to get the current specifications)

  purple seperator  


sublime editor:


     color themes directory is found here:

           .config/sublime-text-2/Packages/Color Scheme - Default/

Copy a theme file from the above directory, and rename it.
Edit the new theme file to your liking, then
copy it back to the above directory, and finally
pick the new theme using the menu setting:

   (in the menu)   Preferences  >> Color Scheme

To set the font type, and font size, go to:

   (in the menu)   Preferences  >>  Settings-User

  "color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/new_theme.tmTheme",
  "font_face": "Nimbus Mono L",
  "font_size": 20

To check for currently installed fonts use font matrix:

           yum install fontmatrix

configure some default settings:

   (in the menu)   Preferences  >>  Settings-Default

          "auto_complete":  false,

          "tab_completion":  false,

  purple seperator  




           #!/bin/bash   (add this to the first line of the file)

 to make the script file executable:

           chmod 777   (read, write, execute to everyone)
           chmod 755   (read, execute to everyone, rwx to owner)
           chmod 700   (read, write, execute to owner only)

  purple seperator  




           yum update  (installs all of the latest updates)



           yum install gedit

              create a directory:   /local/gedit_themes
              place custom color themes into it... /local/gedit/themes/new_theme.xml
              then in the gedit menu: Edit >> Preferences >> Font & Colors >> + >>
                           navigate to directory >> pick new theme >> + Add Scheme

              fixing tab's active highlight color, so that its distinguishable:
              edit the file: /usr/share/themes/Xfce-dusk/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
              find the ".notebook tab:active " values ... and change the border color to #fff
              ...    border-color: #fff;


         yum install grub-customizer
       grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg



installing the flash player: (the solution is found here, and here)

        for 32-bit (i386) :

rpm -ivh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux

        for 64-bit (x86_64) :

rpm -ivh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-x86_64-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux

           yum check-update
           yum install flash-plugin
           yum install nspluginwrapper


installing an audio player: (some can be found here)

           yum install audacious
           yum install musique
           yum install xmms (this resembles winamp the most)



           ftp -i remote_ip_address   (turns off prompting for mput, mget)


some .bashrc aliases:

           alias ls='ls -F --color'
           alias la='ls -alF --color'  



setting the hostname:  (as root: ... if the hostname is to be, for example: krom)

           hostnamectl  set-hostname  --static  krom

       this will set the file: /etc/hostname... do a "cat /etc/hostname" to check results.

           if there is a problem using hostnamectl, do the following:   (selinux may be the cause of some errors)

           restorecom  -v  /etc/hostname

           > hostname

  purple seperator  




       for a binary executable test file labeled: test1

          bash: ./test1: cannot execute binary file
                    This can mean we are using the wrong architecture,
                    if we are trying to mimic the executable's "test1" architecture.
                    Use the command: uname -r  
                                         (to see which architecture we are currently using...)

                    ...   .i686   ...      --- is a 32-bit system
                    ...   .x86_64   ... --- is a 64-bit system

                   The only solution to the above error is a fresh install of the proper system.
                   Upgrading is too messy, if its even possible.


  purple seperator  





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