A short list of linux installation hints |
Fedora xfce | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
February 5, 2015 |
Listed here, for convenience, are a few linux installation hints. Most of these hints apply to Fedora 19, 20, and maybe 21 Xfce. Upon first login to fedora 19 (xfce) we are presented with this query: "choose below which setup you want for the first startup:" choose: "use default config"
If the taskbar and panel suddenly disappear, xfce4-panel & Or, press Alt+F2 to bring up a run program window,
Removing the blank startup screen on Fedora 19 Xfce: you'll need to be root. save a copy of the file: /etc/default/grub edit file: /etc/sysconfig/grub >> vi /etc/sysconfig/grub actual file is: /etc/default/grub remove, from near the end of the file: "rhgb" "quiet" the timeout can also be altered here: set the timeout value: GRUB_TIMEOUT=30 then issue: grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg to generate a new grub.cfg file. we should see: "Generating grub.cfg ..." reboot.
Some notes in getting samba to work: install: yum install samba yum install system-config-services yum install gvfs (backends for the glo framework in GLib) run: firewall-config (then allow samba within the public, and permanent settings) SELinux Management (allow samba access, only to the level you wish) if necessary run: systemctl start smb.service systemctl enable smb.service systemctl status smb -l (to check the status of the samba server) in the file manager type: smb://
smb (these are the samba services that should be running)
To modify the login screen: edit file: /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf set the following values: theme-name=Xfce-dusk background=/usr/share/backgrounds/new_image.png to get the image to show up: chmod 777 new_image.png
The App Menu logoff button no longer has Action Buttons The to the bottom panel.
Installing "non-free" broadcom wifi drivers: First activate rpmfusion: To do this start here: http://rpmfusion.org/Configuration Click on: for fedora 19, the solution was found here. rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm run: yum update --nogpgcheck Finally run: yum install broadcom-wl --nogpgcheck
Installing the compiler: yum install gcc-c++
openGL and openCL:
yum install lshw (a hardware listing tool) to get a list of display hardware: lshw -numeric -c display installing opengl: yum install mesa-libGL installing opencl: (the following installs OpenCL v 1.2 onto fc19) yum install opencl-headers install AMD's opencl SDK from this file: AMD-APP-SDK-v2.9-lnx64.tgz yum install clinfo (a tool to query information on opencl... run "clinfo" to get the current specifications)
sublime editor:
color themes directory is found here: .config/sublime-text-2/Packages/Color Scheme - Default/ Copy a theme file from the above directory, and rename it. (in the menu) Preferences >> Color Scheme To set the font type, and font size, go to: (in the menu) Preferences >> Settings-User { To check for currently installed fonts use font matrix: yum install fontmatrix configure some default settings: (in the menu) Preferences >> Settings-Default "auto_complete": false, "tab_completion": false,
#!/bin/bash (add this to the first line of the file) to make the script file executable: chmod 777 (read, write, execute to everyone)
yum update (installs all of the latest updates)
gedit: yum install gedit create a directory: /local/gedit_themes fixing tab's active highlight color, so that its distinguishable:
yum install grub-customizer
installing the flash player: (the solution is found here, and here) for 32-bit (i386) : rpm -ivh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm for 64-bit (x86_64) : rpm -ivh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-x86_64-1.0-1.noarch.rpm yum check-update
installing an audio player: (some can be found here) yum install audacious
ftp: ftp -i remote_ip_address (turns off prompting for mput, mget)
some .bashrc aliases: alias ls='ls -F --color' PATH=$PATH:./
setting the hostname: (as root: ... if the hostname is to be, for example: krom) hostnamectl set-hostname --static krom this will set the file: /etc/hostname... do a "cat /etc/hostname" to check results. if there is a problem using hostnamectl, do the following: (selinux may be the cause of some errors) restorecom -v /etc/hostname > hostname
for a binary executable test file labeled: test1 bash: ./test1: cannot execute binary file ... .i686 ... --- is a 32-bit system The only solution to the above error is a fresh install of the proper system.