A short list of linux xubuntu installation hints |
xubuntu 16.04.5, xfce | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
January 16, 2019 |
Listed here, for convenience, are a few linux installation hints for xubuntu version 16.04.5
Maybe ubuntu 16.04 has less bugs than 18.04. i386 --- ( 32 - bit edition ) amd64 --- x86_64 --- ( 64 - bit edition ) Version 16.04 was found at: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/16.04/release
Choices while installing: • Install Xubuntu download updates while installing xubuntu install third party software for graphics, wifi, flash, mp3, and other media
erase disk and install xubuntu
Upon first login to xubuntu we have this choice: Xfce session Xubuntu session Choose Xfce. Then we are presented with this query: "choose below which setup you want for the first startup:" choose: "use default config"
While trying to use the xrandr commands to set the resolution to 1920x1080 we lost the "panels". So, if the taskbar and panel suddenly disappear, xfce4-panel & xfce4-panel --preferences
Or, press Alt+F2 to bring up a run program window,
ubuntu has root turned off by default, to turn it on: > sudo passwd root (to add a password to root) > sudo passwd -u root (to unlock the root account) the above returns: passwd: password expiry information changed
to disable access to the root account again: > sudo passwd -l root or, to work in a root console: > sudo - i
trying to update the graphics drivers (to nvidia): (doing this rendered the xrandr commands unusable) > add-apt-repository ppa : graphics-driver/ppa > apt update > apt list -- upgradable then, >> mouse >> settings >> additional drivers changed from: Using X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver to: Using Nvidia binary driver v 390.87
(doing this rendered the xrandr commands unusable, revert back to Nouveau display driver: Using X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver
(for version 16.04.5) Fixing the desktop resolution, trying to increase it to: 1920x1080 : open a terminal window we need to be root. (su, then enter root password) start by entering the cvt command: >> cvt 1920 1080 we get: >> # 1920x1080 59.96 Hz (CVT 2.07 M9) hsynch: 67.16 kHz; we pass along only the following part of the above output to the next command: 173.00 1920 2048 therefore, the next following xrandr command should be: >> xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 then: >> xrandr -- addmode VGA-1 1920x1080_60.00 >> xrandr -- output VGA-1 --mode 1920x1080_60.00 (the "--mode" option tag is not used here in unbuntu)
Adding the above three lines to the end of the
To modify the login screen, we found a gui in the desktop applications: >> lower mouse icon >> settings >> LightDM GTK+ Greeter settings This allows us to change the login screen's background image, to any chosen image. What doesn't work: • can't change its resolution • can't add an arbitrarily large image for the user's icon, The icon therefore, needs to be a maximum of 100x100 pixels.
On xubuntu 16.04, gedit is not installed. to install, be root, then: >> apt install gedit
To determine display manager currently in use: >> echo $DESKTOP_SESSION this returns us: >> xubuntu
Desktop appearance settings:
window transparencies: >> lower mouse icon >> settings >> window manager tweaks
placing and fixing, the bottom panel: at first the bottom panel shows up like so: (with all the items pushed to the left) to fix this we add a seperator between the "mouse" icon on the far left then we modify the seperator to expand it, expand >> set it to be transparent so then we end up with this:
Desktop themes are placed here: home/username/.themes ... /Aero-ion3.2/xfwm4
To find themes that might work, go to: www.xfce-look.org then, • download the archive (it must be a ".gz" file, for it to work correctly) • extract: with right-click of mouse • select "open with Archive Manager" • place it into a directory • then move or copy to: home/username/.themes • then select a new theme with: >> lower mouse icon >> settings >> appearance
Favorite themes so far: ... /FM-Hud-Inspired/ Currently using: ... /DarkCold/
Found linux applications at: www.opendesktop.org
>> apt install gimp
to copy CDs, DVDs, use: K3B 2.0.3
Getting samba to work: • trying with: system-config-samba • its missing, need to install it: >> su >> apt install system-config-samba • need to be root to run "system-config-samba" >> su >> system-config-samba get errors: could not open: /etc/libuser.conf solution: >> su >> touch /etc/libuser.conf The above was enough to get samba working.
#!/bin/bash (add this to the first line of the file) to make the script file executable: chmod 777 (read, write, execute to everyone)
installing the flash player: (the solution is found here, and here) for 32-bit (i386) : rpm -ivh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm for 64-bit (x86_64) : rpm -ivh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-x86_64-1.0-1.noarch.rpm yum check-update
installing an audio player: (some can be found here) yum install audacious
ftp: ftp -i remote_ip_address (turns off prompting for mput, mget)
some .bashrc aliases: alias ls='ls -F --color' PATH=$PATH:./
setting the hostname: (as root: ... if the hostname is to be, for example: krom) hostnamectl set-hostname --static krom this will set the file: /etc/hostname... do a "cat /etc/hostname" to check results. if there is a problem using hostnamectl, do the following: (selinux may be the cause of some errors) restorecom -v /etc/hostname > hostname
for a binary executable test file labeled: test1 bash: ./test1: cannot execute binary file ... .i686 ... --- is a 32-bit system The only solution to the above error is a fresh install of the proper system.