how to
How to install SVN onto Fedora, with Apache.
(page 3, continued)
February 4, 2008
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Here we add some password protection to the new SVN server.

For this, lets assume a username of trill, and a password of towel42.

Make the password directory:

  > mkdir /etc/httpd/passwd

To create the initial password file, and add a user called "trill":

  > htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/passwd/svnpasswords trill

When the program asks, enter the password:


Other command line options to htpasswd will allow you to add or delete more users.

For example, to add another user, called "asmith":

  > htpasswd /etc/httpd/passwd/svnpasswords asmith

When the program asks, enter the password:


This will append the user "asmith" to the passwords file, with the above password.

Edit the subversion configuration file to turn on the SVN authorization. We found that commenting out the <LimitExcept lines allowed the SVN password authorization to work. So the final subversion configuration file:


... can look like this:

LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules

<Location /svn>
   DAV svn

<Location /svn>
   DAV svn

   # Limit write permission to list of valid users.
      # Require SSL connection for password protection.
      # SSLRequireSSL

      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "Authorization Realm"
      Require valid-user

After having made these changes, restart the Apache server as above. Now, if we go back to the PC with the web browser, we can test the password authentication. Restart the web browser and enter into the URL:

We should see a window pop up, prompting for a user's name and a corresponding password.

Enter trill for the user name, and towel42 for the password. This should let us see the svn server's response page as before.

To allow access of this svn server from outside of the private network, the router settings need to be modified. Somewhere within the router settings there will be a section probably called port forwarding. To this section we need to add a line that forwards port 8080 through to the server's ip address: Each router will be slightly different, you will need to refer to your router's help files for details on how to make these changes.

With these new settings made to the router, we should be able to access the svn server from a remote web browser by entering the following at the URL:


We also need to make sure that the remote web browser's router has port 8080 open for communication, that is, if its firewall is blocking port 8080, the svn server will not be accessible.

This concludes this basic howto, the next step would be to try the various client applications available to start using the svn server. We have found tortoiseSVN to be quite useful. Some other clients available are WebSVN, and AnkhSVN.

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