how to

How to create a starter skeleton project
in Adobe flash using ActionScript 3.0.

part II

A basic tutorial for importing images, and
adding objects to an Adobe flash file.
(page 2)
January 4, 2009
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Continuing from were we left off in part 1, the authoring tool had a blank stage that is 300x300 pixels in size, and a Document Class that is called Main_Class which contains the following script:

      import flash.display.MovieClip;

      public class Main_Class extends MovieClip
            public function Main_Class()
                  trace ('Hail and well met, traveling Selenite.');

With the following directory structure:

\skeleton_v1\   (contains all of the project's files)

\skeleton_v1\scripts   (contains the text script files)

\skeleton_v1\images   (contains the image files)

Before continuing lets enlarge the drawing area for the stage, scene 1, by shrinking and moving the timeline window. This can be done as follows:

Place mouse over far upper right-hand corner, just below the X (at end of frame numbers) of the timeline window.

left-click >> Placement >> Undock from Document

left-click mouse on top of free window to drag it somewhere else

We usually like to drag it over to the far right, so that it sits above the library:

flash cs3 screenshot part 2 1

(click to enlarge)

(Method I)

Now onto method 1:

Add the following image: test_image_1.png,to the \images directory.

test web image 1

(right-click on the image above, and
save the image to the
\images directory)

To add the image to the project, first import it to the library:

from the drop down menus:

File >> Import >> Import to Library >>  

 locate the image file >> open


continued on page 3


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