how to
How to connect the Razr v3 to the PC
and then add custom ringtones.
(page 1)
November 10 , 2010
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This article describes how to connect Motorola's Razr v3 cell phone to the PC and then add your own custom sounds, mp3 files, to its memory.

Here we assume you have the following items:

   Motorola Razr V3 cellphone

   PC with Windows XP

   A good USB cable


The first part of this project is to get the cell phone to successfully connect to the PC. After trying a whole bunch of stuff that didn't work, a solution for connecting was found here.

The first hurdle was trying to get the USB cable to connect properly to the PC's USB ports.

Connecting to a USB hub produces no effect, it may be that the cell phone, or the hub, don't have the proper voltages necessary to interface correctly, it is hard to say. So, to get any sort of signal from the PC to the cell phone, one must connect directly to the USB ports on the PC's mainboard. These would be the ports on the back of the PC.

Another possible problem that is encountered with an initial connection, can be from the use of a bad cable. Connecting with a bad cable will produce the following pop up on the screen:

    exclamation point icon USB Device Not Recognized

     One of the USB devices attached to this computer has
     malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it.
     For assistance in solving this problem, click the message.

Trying to fix this problem via some software solution leads to failure. The solution is to replace the bad cable with a good one.

Once a good cable is attached you should immediately get this popup message on the screen:

   Found New Hardware

    Motorola Phone (V3r)

The next step is to get the proper drivers installed. There may be various files out there with drivers for this phone, but one file that worked for us was found at Motorola's website. It can be found at this location. The file to download and install is called:


More information about this can be found at Motorola's website.

Double clicking on the file above will start up the driver installation program. When it is complete, reboot the machine.

After the reboot completes, we need to let windows configure the correct drivers for your specific phone. To do this connect the phone to the USB cable. Various popup messages will appear while windows connects the drivers with the phone, such as:

   Found New Device detected

    Motorola USB modem

When windows has finished with its routines, a final message appears that confirms that the phone is connected:


    Motorola phone has been
    successfully detected

The next step is to install Motorola Phone Tools.


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